
What is France pursuing?

Agence France Presse – AFP and then Le Monde, have published false news about SADAT carrying out paramilitary activities since May. The news was broadcast by many news channels all over the world. The news includes similar claims that SADAT took/paid around 1,000 Syrian paramilitaries to Niger for gold mine security. However, these news were made despite the fact that we have declared many times for 12 years that we do not carry out paramilitary activities and that our field of activity is military consultancy and training services.

Agencies made the news without asking SADAT about its authenticity. The principle of objectivity of the press was disregarded. Our friends from Africa, who did not want to give their names, called and sent messages claiming that "the agencies received instructions and that the important thing is not to reveal the truth but to create perception ". I couldn't help but ask the question “What does France aim for with this instruction given to the agencies?”. The sources, who did not want to be named, stated their claims in one fell swoop.

An African friend of mine, who did not want to give his name, said:

“France is the second largest colonizer in world history. Colonizers have stolen the freedom of African people for the last 300 years, forced them to work as slaves, and provided free labor, one of the main inputs of production. Not only that, they also completely exploited Africa's underground and aboveground riches, making the second of the main inputs of production free of charge. Thus, the colonialists, whose input costs were very low, developed Europe with the incredible wealth they acquired, made the industrial revolution in this way, and then had Africa finance the technological revolution. "Thus, while Africa was groaning under exploitation, colonialist Western states made progress and created a prosperous continent," he said.

I said to my friend, who did not want to reveal his name, "But what does this have to do with SADAT?"

My friend said, "Wait, listen."

“African people have now woken up and started to chase the colonialists from their country, country by country.” said.

Again, I said that I did not understand its connection with SADAT.

My friend;

“While France and other colonialists are being chased from Africa, Turkiye has been attaching importance to carrying out foreign policies that prioritize people in Africa for the last 20 years... In fact, they have no history of colonialism since they carried out similar policies in the Ottoman Empire. Turkiye's Humanitarian Foreign Policy Initiative in Africa is highly appreciated.” said.

“While France is losing its throne in Africa, Turkiye is also gaining a place in the hearts of Africa. Here, France is trying to smear Turkiye and create perception by accusing it of trying to seize the underground mines in Africa with its commissioned news. "To reinforce this perception, they make news under the guise of 'the source who does not want to disclose' his name, even though it is unreal." said.

I looked back at the SADAT news again from this perspective. Indeed, although the headline of the news was SADAT, the content aimed to denigrate Turkiye's Africa Initiative and create the perception that "look, you are kicking out France with the accusation of colonialism, but Turkiye fills the gap with the same methods."

I think you should go back and look at the news again. The answer to the question "What is France pursuing?" is actually not that surprising... Turkish Proverb says "rooster dies and its eye remains in the garbage dump".

I am sure that the Republic of Turkiye will continue to implement its humanitarian foreign policy with all its tools in Africa, as it does all over the world. Turkish people will continue to trade and share in accordance with international legislation. SADAT has never been involved in paramilitary formations. We openly declare what work we do on our website. No stopping, continue with firm steps...

Below are our answers to questions that Le Monde newspaper sent but did not publish.

It is offered to those who are interested.


Chairman of the Board


Our answers to questions from Le Monde, which we sent but were not published:


Ms Morgane Le Cam

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Le Monde Afrique

Thank you for your interest in our company. I will try to provide comprehensive answers to the questions you ask. Please do not hesitate to ask more if you deem necessary.

Although there are many news stories about our company, 90% of them are made without contacting us and without investigating the truth of the matter. Therefore, such news contains completely unrealistic claims. For this reason, I would like to emphasize that I find it admirable that you display real journalistic behavior, compared to the news that other French news agencies have made without questioning its reality.

I only had the opportunity to reply to your e-mail now as we were on a business trip during the week. I hope it's not too late.

When you come to Turkiye, I would like to host you in our company.

First of all, I would like to give information about SADAT's field of activity and facts about SADAT;

SADAT Defense, provides consultancy, training and logistics services to armed forces and security forces in the field of defense and security according to the Turkish Commercial Code. SADAT was founded in 2012 by Retired General Adnan TANRIVERDİ as a commercial entity with the status of a Incorporated Company.

In 2016, Adnan Tanrıverdi resigned from the management of the company as he was appointed as the Presidential Chief Advisor and a member of the Security and Foreign Policies Board.

I find it useful to explain some of the issues in this sentence. Because SADAT Defense is a company with ethical values and a mission and vision that operates by adhering to its founding philosophy .

1) SADAT Defense provides services to the armed forces and security forces of states.

SADAT does not provide services to non-state actors such as terrorist organizations, paramilitary organizations, companies and individuals (even retired soldiers or security guards).

SADAT Defense is not a paramilitary organization. It has no armed force. It does not assume the duties of the armed forces and/or security forces directly or indirectly. SADAT does not provide homeland defense or venue security services. In other words, SADAT does not operate as a main or subcontractor in the primary duties of the armed forces or security forces.

2) In order to understand SADAT's mission and vision correctly, it is necessary to first understand SADAT's founding philosophy. Please kindly do not continue reading the answers to your questions without fully reviewing our founding philosophy, linked below. When the founding philosophy cannot be understood, it is completely disconnected from the context of the subject.


SADAT Defense, as a Commercial Company that prioritizes service, aspires to solve the Defense problems of our friends.

Adnan Tanriverdi

Retired General


The mission of SADAT Defense is to create an environment of defense and defense industry cooperation among Islamic Countries by providing services in the fields of strategic consultancy, special defense and security training and logistics for the organization of the Armed Forces and Internal Security Forces in the international arena, and to create an environment of defense and defense industry cooperation among Islamic Countries and to enable the Islamic World to become a self-sufficient military power. To help it take its rightful place among the World Super Powers.

3) SADAT Defense offers strategic consultancy, special training and logistics services.

To give an example, SADAT Defense can establish a country's Special Forces from scratch. The planning and structuring phase of this study falls within the scope of consultancy services, the training of staff and trainers falls within the scope of training services, and the planning, project design and construction of barracks activities fall within the scope of logistics services.

Another example is; SADAT Defense establishes Military Standardization and Metrology Centers in countries requesting. Consultancy services such as designing the organization chart of this center in accordance with the country, preparing job descriptions, determining the qualifications of the staff, etc.; training of staff training service; Procurement of the center's information system, software and hardware, logistics services; falls within its scope.

Likewise, SADAT Defense produces Integrated Border Security Solutions. In this solution package; Issues such as analysis of threats at country borders, planning and project design are included in our consultancy services, construction of outposts along the borders for border security, surveillance, early warning systems, command and control systems, equipping with integrated weapon systems are included in our logistics services, and training of country personnel involved are within the scope of our training services.

4) SADAT Defense aims to guarantee a peaceful environment and increase the defense capacity and deterrent power of countries with the services it provides. In this context, SADAT Defense provides strategic consultancy services to countries on effectively using their existing defense and security capacity, producing projects to complete their deficiencies, maintaining peace and having a deterrent force to prevent conflict. SADAT has never provided service to conflict zones.

SADAT has no activities in Syria, Libya, Azerbaijan, Burkina Faso, Niger and Mali. It only offered a military sport - pentathlon facility project included Olympic pool for Libya in 2012-2013, but when the Libya crisis started, it had to withdraw before signing the contract. We have not had any activities in the other 5 countries so far.

5) SADAT Defense prefers to act in accordance with the dictates of this word;


If you want to do a favor to someone, don't give them a fish, teach them how to fish.




1) Does SADAT provide services to the governments of Niger, Mali or Burkina Faso? If so, which ones?

We do not sell services to any of these states. Moreover, SADAT has not provided services to any other French-speaking state in Africa so far. We realized again that this is a major deficiency for SADAT, but unfortunately we do not have an expert fluent in French.

We Turks are known for their honesty and manhood

If you pay attention, on our website we declare with great clarity our founding philosophy, our vision and our mission, as well as the consultancy and training issues that fall within our scope of service, without hesitation from anyone who criticizes us. We do not round it up and hide it with the words import - export - trade, like many companies. We carry out our activities effectively and in accordance with both local and international legislation. Rest assured, if we are doing something, we will not hesitate to come out and say it openly.

A Fairer World is Possible!

If the UN Conventions alone are not enough to make the whole world more fair, there is something missing here. Asia and Africa have realized that they need to save their resources from exploitation in order to reach their rightful place in a fair world. This awakening has revealed the need for many states in Asia and Africa for the consultancy and training services that SADAT will provide in the field of defense and security.

SADAT is ready if needed

If Burkina Faso, Niger and Mali need SADAT, we will solve our language problem as soon as possible. Let them invite us and we will explain our service capacity. Our claim is that; Considering the price/performance balance, they cannot receive the consultancy and training services they receive from SADAT from other companies at more affordable prices.

2) If not, have there been any discussions or contacts between your company and some of these governments? If so, can you give us details on them?

These events have revealed that we must enter this market as soon as possible by adding an expert fluent in French by the end of 2025 at the latest. It seems that we are now known, even if we are misunderstood, in these countries where we have no activity. A PR has developed outside of us. It will be necessary to take quick action to turn this PR opportunity into advantage. Our website had Turkish - English and Arabic content. It seems wise to start by adding French to this and then greet the market by translating our promotional materials into French.

3) Some sources told us that some SADAT's elements have been deployed in Mali (to furnish a personal security to the colonel Assimi Goïta , president of the transition), and in Niger ( in order to help Niger security forces to use military equipment recently acquired by the Niger government from Turkish arms companies to fight terrorism). Do you confirm it?

We do not have contacts or trade with governments, companies or individuals in these countries. I think you need to review your news sources. When you ask your news sources to document their claims, you will see that all the claims are unfounded.

On the other hand, if we really had operations in these countries, I think you would be conducting this interview with a Turk in French, not English? Since you did not send your questions in French, I conclude that you also do not believe in the reliability of your sources.

Also, for example, if we enter Mali, we would not provide personal security services, instead we would carry out activities to increase local capacity by providing VIP protection training.

But we did not have any activities in either Mali or Niger.

4) According to the Russian telegram channel Gray Zone, negotiations have taken place between your company and the government of Burkina Faso for the deployment of certain SADAT activities in their country. Do you confirm?

We have not had any meetings with the Burkina Faso government. We plan to take action in our 2025 marketing plan to introduce our Outpost and Integrated Electronic Border Security Solutions for consultancy, training and Border Security for the reorganization and modernization of the armed forces of Burkina Faso and other Francophone countries.

5) Does SADAT work in partnership / cooperation with some of these Turkish companies: Nurol Makina, Baykar , Turkish Aerospace industries, Roketsan ?

Although we do not have partnerships or collaborations with these companies, we consider it our duty to direct our customer states to Turkish Defense Industry products, which have become shining stars in recent times and have proven their success, for reasons such as quality, performance and price balance. Everyone has the right to reach quality...



The genocide carried out by Israel in the Palestinian territories that it began to occupy in 1948, which has caused the murder of more than 36 thousand people (more than 50 thousand since 1948) since October 7, has made conscientious people from all walks of life, views, and religions question the reason for their existence in the world. Public conscience all over the world has reached the point of explosion.

Millions of people live in inhumane conditions not only in Palestine, but also in many geographies such as Yemen, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Arakan, Kashmir, East Turkestan and Ukraine. It is not even possible to say that many of them are alive.

The current International order imposed by the victors of the First and Second World Wars has completely lost its legitimacy.


The World is Bigger than Five.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan


The established order is not sustainable. The justice of the powerful will be replaced by the rule of law.

SADAT Defense will continue to carry out the activities in its mission and vision with firm steps by adhering to its founding philosophy and international law .

It is announced to the public with respect. 07.06.2024



Chairman of the Board


SADAT Defense is a private company that provides strategic consultancy, special training and logistics services to the armed forces and internal security organizations of states. The equivalent of the activities carried out by SADAT Defense in the classical labour market; It falls within the scope of strategic management consultancy, reorganization, rehabilitation, modernization and special training services for institutional capacity increase.

SADAT Defense contributes to guaranteeing a peaceful environment by rebuilding the capacity of states in the field of defense and security with effective and strategic planning, serving to fully utilize the existing military capacity and increasing the capacity within the possibilities, and carries out engineering studies that will play a deterrent role in war.


Press release 

Wall Street Journal the Middle East Correspondent, Rory Jones, in his e-mail dated December 15, 2023, sent to our company, in order to use it in a story they prepared to be published in the newspaper, He asks whether SADAT's supports HAMAS.

SADAT International Defense Consultancy Construction Industry and Trade Inc is a private company that provides strategic consultancy, special military training and logistics services to the armed forces and police departments of states. The company meticulously conducts all these services in compliance with international regulations. Therefore, our Company does not operate in conflict zones. The fundamental philosophy of our company is to contribute to the development in the fields of defense and defense industry cooperation by producing projects that support increase of capacity for maintaining a peaceful environment.

In the International Defense Industry Fair IDEF'23, which has reached its 30th year and held for the 16th time, SADAT International Defense Consulting Construction Industry and Trade Inc. will host its valued customers at its usual stand...


We will be at the Tube Gate T10 stand at the 16th International Defense Industry Fair IDEF'23, which will be held on 25-28 July 2023. To visit us, please fill in your information at and create a request.


How will you reach SADAT's stand at the fair?

Büyütmek için tıklayın


Transportation map to the fair area

Büyütmek için tıklayın


Our Fair Banners






Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, Leader of the Republican People's Party, came to the central office of our company with nearly 70 deputies and a total of 150 party supporters on the date of 13.05.2022 and forced the doors of our company. As a result of the so-called meeting request not being answered, he made unfair accusations targeting the prestige and reputation of our company, and this attack was published in all press and media organs, causing a negative perception about our company in the public opinion.

Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu continued his unjust accusations and attacks against our company by increasing the number of them in every press statement, group meetings and rallies he organized. As we have mentioned before, SADAT is a stock corporation which continues its activities in the field of defense consultancy and also it is NOT ANY ACTOR OF TURKISH POLITICS. Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu’s aim is to make our company an instrument of his political ambitions and to achieve political gain through our company. Our company will never be used as an instrument for the political ambitions of politicians. At this point, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu not only damaged the reputation of our company with his unlawful attacks against our company for about a month, but also launched an all-out offense against our company by targeting our company's managers, shareholders and employees in the eyes of his voters and public opinion.

None of the accusations made by Kılıçdaroğlu against our company have any truth. Kılıçdaroğlu acts on absolute sensations without relying on any evidence and he indirectly admits this in every interview he gives to journalists. Kılıçdaroğlu's attacks against our company mean nothing more than trying to consolidate the mass of voters through our company. Our company is audited according to the legal regulations and necessary notifications are given to the relevant institutions in our activities. AS SADAT DEFENSE, WE HAVE NOT BEEN INVOLVED IN ANY WORK THAT WE CANNOT ACCOUNT FOR BEFORE THE LEGAL AUTHORITIES SO FAR, AND WE WILL NOT BE INVOLVED IN FUTURE. LET THEM TRY TO DEFAME SADAT AS MUCH AS THEY WANT AND CRIMINALIZE IT IN THE EYES OF SOCIETY, SADAT WILL ALWAYS CONTINUE TO REMAIN A LEGAL COMPANY. But whoever targets our company hostilely, broadcasts with provocative language and tries to defame our company without evidence, without any document and absolute sensation, we will be in a legal fight against him.

According to our law, legal entities also have moral rights worth protecting. Commercial reputation comes first among these values for companies. As a result of all the statements made with an untrue, hostile and provocative language against our company's reputation, we have filed a lawsuit for non-pecuniary damage worth 1,000,000 Turkish Liras against Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu. Although the amount of non-pecuniary damage demanded is not enough to cover the non-pecuniary destruction that has occurred against our company, it will be able to alleviate the loss of reputation of our company to some extent. We have no doubt that justice will be manifested in our legal struggle against unjust attacks on our company. We would like to inform the public opinion that we will always continue our struggle within the limits of law against all kinds of attacks on the commercial reputation of our company, as we have done so far. June 08, 2022

Melih Tanrıverdi
Chairman of Board of Directors

The Chairman of SADAT responded to the lies of the main opposition leader by participating in the live broadcast of ‘Ters Kutuplar’ program of Akit TV.

He also mentioned in his press release;

SADAT is a business corporation operating under the Turkish Commercial Code. Since its establishment, SADAT has faced many times with intentional slanders and attempts to constitute a doubt about it, but mostly it has focused on commercial activities by avoiding being a party to any debate. SADAT is neither a paramilitary army nor does it train any militia force. SADAT does not have any activity in conflict zones. SADAT has nothing to do with the Syrian civil war or with asylum seekers who have refuged from Syria to Türkiye.

SADAT is a business corporation operating under the Turkish Commercial Code. Since its establishment, SADAT has faced many times with intentional slanders and attempts to constitute a doubt about it, but mostly it has focused on commercial activities by avoiding being a party to any debate. SADAT is neither a paramilitary army nor does it train any militia force. SADAT does not have any activity in conflict zones. SADAT has nothing to do with the Syrian civil war or with asylum seekers who have refuged from Syria to Türkiye.

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